Tips & Help for the Concentricity Scenario! If you are in the center, you have plenty of time to scope out your land before your opponents show up... unfortunately, there is little land to scope. So go through the liths as soon as you feel strong enough. If you are the warlock in the swamp you share your land with the barbarians. But they are so far away, you will have plenty of time to bulk up. Send heroes immediately both north and south to gather resources. If you are the barbarian in the desert you share your land with the warlocks who are very far away. Send heroes immediately north and west to gather resources. If you are the knight in the dirt lands, you have the best situation -- a large land mass initially free of opponents. But don't let this make you careless: by the time your opponents reach you they will be quite powerful. In all cases, building a shipyard should be your priority. Once you have a ship, you can get to any land mass and surprise your opponents early in the game. Finding your counterpart town/village and turning it into a castle as soon as possible is a excellent tactic for insuring that you have plenty of similiar recruits. Corners are good.