MAGELLAN'S MAP SUBMISSION Spring Contest Entry for 1999 Map Name: Director's Cut or Operation: Phoenix (Part one of the Transition Trilogy) (director.mx2) Map Maker: William Sanchez, a.k.a. Delta Angelfire E-Mail Address: Map Type: Singleplayer, 1 Human Only, 1 Computer Only Difficulty: Hard Language: English Description: After hundreds of scenarios, the dirctor has ousted you from the crew! Take rvenge on him before he escapes to enroth! Special Win: NONE Special Loss: NONE Special Other: Timed: 3 months Narrative: Your name is not important, nor is you family, or your friends. A new evil threatens Enroth, and you are the only one in the area who can stop it in time. You are known only as the hero. An evil man calling himself the director has decreed that you, as well as you allies, the hobbits, boars, and sprites, as well as some other races, are to be left behind when he leaves for Erathia to follow Queen Catherine. In order to ensire his victory, he has called on the ancient power of mana tapping to drain the land of its life and magic to form a portal linking the two continents, and allowing his own chosen to invade enroth once an invasion force has been built in Erathia. The portal on this side is complete, but he needs a portal constructed in Erathia to finish his scheme. That is Catherine's job. It will take her nearly three months to arrive in Erathia, and a week to construct the portal. However, the mana that the Director is tapping is tearing the land apart. Lava is consuming the once lush forests and hills, and soon, life on your island, as well as all northern Enroth, will cease. You know not how long you have, but you know that you must stop this at all cost. Your make friend is your only other ally you know of, and he has requested your presence at his hut, post haste. And thus, your journey begins... Play-Testers: Adam Zorzi ( Linda Boyles ( William Sanchez ( SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! recruit every possible creature you can, disband unneeded ones later... You'll find yourself starting to get straped for cash midway through. Don't wait to build funds, go ahead and let your potential allies run in terror, you don't have a lot lot of time. The Sphinx gives a good one time deal but hates bad news nonetheless, and will punish someone for bringing him tales of misey while rewarding them at the same time. Tke the Necromancer fields with Phoenix and some Ghosts in her army. there are packs of zombies hiding behin trees and mountains that will help fill your ranks. Know how to trade at traders peak Listen to bar rumors Don't skip killing anyone, they have good artifacts for you (can anyone say Anduran?) An alchemist will get rid of you nastier artifacts for you, but you won't see him till near the end. Tazar and his wurms are slow, But don't be fooled. You need to take him as well to succede your mission.