Map Name: Disenchanted Forest (DisenchantedForest.h4m) Map Maker: Qrystal Dragon E-mail Address: Map Type: Multiplayer, 4 Human Or Computer, 2 Computer Only Map Size: Large (with underground) Map Difficulty: Intermediate Game Version: HOMM4 Gathering Storm Map Version: 1.0 Multiplayer/non-allies Language: English Special Win: Standard Standard win/loss: enabled Special Loss: Standard Special Other: none Playtesters: Description: Lord Bonesbreath and Lord Treedeath have corrupted the enchanted forest. It dies slowly but surely. As you guzzle your beer and toss your dice this news barely distracts you until....your drunken jester trips over the last barrel of fine unicorn wine and laughingly says....who shall get the last horn for soon with the corruption of the forest.......there will be no more corn and no new wines born. With a swift kick in his rump, you summon your armies.......the corruption of the wine must be's time for war!