Curse of the mummy --------------------------- By BlAde - Verson 1.0 - Description: An evil mummy has woken from a dark sleep and will reek havoc on the land unless you can stop him! - Victory conditions: Defeat the mummy Ramfu Lose conditions: Lose the hero dereak, lose the town grimoire or run out of time. Features: Artifact, boot and magic spell book shop where players can purchase items from * Lots of events including an elite storline giving the map a true RPG adventure feel * Quests where the player can get a super boost to their level! * Hidden treasure hoard that can only be discovered by completing several hidden events! * Easy access portal system that links all towns (Once activated) * The end boss will grow stronger each day so the longer you take the harder he will be to defeat! - Places of interest: A very thick forest * Grammer swamp * Wastelands * Dagoon desert (Covers half the map!) * Geyser flats * Mushroom patch * Fairy geyser glen * Bone yard * Molten meadow. People to meet: Witch of knowledge * Wizards tower * Desert sage * Mushroom shop * Artifact store * Boot store * Spell book store * Castle grimoire * Castle gridas * Castle gravis * Castle gumpto.